Ergalieva Gulzhan Algazievna
Dean of faculty: candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, docent
Mukanova Nurzhanat Ergenovna
Deputy dean for academic work: master of pedagogical Sciences, teacher
Tapaeva Zhanerke Taulbaevna
Deputy Dean for educational work: master of pedagogical Sciences, teacher
Amirgalieva Aidana Galimbekovna

Welcome to the faculty's website!

The mission of the Pedagogical Faculty is to create and improve the educational and cultural environment based on the achievements of modern science and innovative pedagogical technologies.
Vision: a competitive multilingual graduate who is able to carry out the educational process in unity with its value targets, content, methods, forms and results, as well as able to apply innovative methods and technologies in practice.
The strategic goal of the faculty is the implementation of the state educational policy aimed at training highly qualified specialists to provide quality education, improving the activities of the faculty, meeting the modern requirements of the system of higher pedagogical education.

Faculty news