81st scientific-practical conference dedicated to «125th anniversary of Kanysh Satbaev»

The educational program «Pedagogy of preschool and primary education» will be held on April 12, 2024 in the sections «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education», «Preschool education and education», «Pedagogy and psychology» on April 12, 2024, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Kanysh Satbaev. a practical conference was held. The purpose of the conference: to increase the creative activity of students and young scientists, to give an opportunity to present the results of their work independently, to develop the culture of speaking in front of an audience, discussing scientific results in public. At the end, the chairman of the conference, Kazetova Aliya Khamidullievna, gave a speech and awarded diplomas to a number of students who were recognized as the best. Among them, Aytymova Lunara, 3rd year student of the «Biology-Geography» educational program, 1st degree, Supervisor: teacher, master T.T. Maksotova, 2nd year student of the educational program «Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education» Bataeva Rumia 2nd degree, Supervisor: Ph.D., senior teacher A.K. Kazetova, 4th year student of the educational program «Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education» Temirbolatova Gauhar 2nd degree, Leader: Ph.D., senior teacher I.U. Khasanova, 2nd year student of the educational program «Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education» Karazhanova Dilnaz, 3rd degree, Leader: senior teacher, master S.F. Bayukanskaya, «Preschool teaching and education», Faizullina Aygerim, 3rd year supervisor: teacher, master F.E. Eskakova, 2nd year student of the «Chemistry-Biology» educational program, Haumetova Aruzhan, 3rd degree, Supervisor: teacher, master T.T. Maksotova.