Faculty Management
Mission of pedagogical faculty - creation and improvement of the educational and cultural environment on the basis of achievements of modern science and innovative pedagogical technologies.
Vision: the competitive multilingual graduate capable to carry out educational process in unity with its valuable and target reference points, the contents, methods, forms and results, and also able to apply innovative methods and technologies in practical activities.
The strategic purpose of faculty – realization of the state educational policy directed on training of highly qualified specialists for providing quality education, improvement faculty’s activity, meeting the modern requirements of system of the higher pedagogical education.
The strategic objective of development of faculty is caused by its mission and the basic conceptual provisions of development main activities:
- Training of the competent focused bachelors and masters on specialties of faculty;
- Using of innovative scientific and pedagogical methods when training;
- Active attraction to research activity of students and masters;
- The organization and improvement of work within professional orientation activity;
- Realization of uniform policy in the field of ecology and quality management system.
Tasks of faculty:
- Formation of competences taking into account educational trajectory;
- Ensuring growth of activity of scientific activity of PPS, expansion of international relations, development of the academic mobility of students and teachers;
- Formation at student's youth of an active civic stand, social responsibility, high moral and leadership skills.
At faculty experimental training according to the program of multilingualism is begun. Work on the academic mobility of students and the faculty is continued.
Students of faculty besides educational activity actively participate in public life of university. Student's dean's office actively participate in the organization and carrying out various teaching and educational and sports and entertaining actions. Annually students take part in all-university actions, such as "Dedication in students", "Student's spring" and many others.
The faculty for employment of the graduates cooperates with employers and bases the practicing. Employers of faculty are: Kurmanalina Sh. H., Ismukhanbetova S.S., Zhangaliyev E.K., Tleuzhanova S. I., Pankratova V. V., Mozzhukhin A.M., Kapsatova B. T., Otarov A.M. Cooperation of faculty develops in the different directions: meetings, intellectual games and other actions having educational value and also employers are heads of master theses, theses, reviewers, heads of student teaching, members of the state certifying commission.
At faculty is created the Association of graduates for implementation of the joint activity determined by a community of interests of graduates. The purpose of Association consists in assistance of activity in training of specialists of a new formation and in establishment of mutually beneficial relations between faculty and its graduates.
The faculties staffs actively participate in the international, republican and regional conferences, seminars, round tables, are published and review articles in foreign scientific magazines.
Address: St. Student 4, 7th building
Phone: 8 (7112) 50-32-54