"Children's Literature Fair"

On March 1, within the framework of the "One country - one book" action, the classic of Kazakh children's literature, writer B. On the occasion of Sokpakbaev's 100th anniversary, a literary and educational evening called "Children's Literature Fair" was held. The purpose of the campaign is to read and promote the best works of our national literature, to preserve our spiritual heritage, as well as to educate young people in spiritual morality and patriotism.

  The curtain of the educational evening began with the introduction of the librarian Gulshira Shadenkovna and the introduction of the book exhibition dedicated to the author's work. During the evening, a video recording of the writer's creativity, audio material about the works of B. Sokpakbaev from the archive, told by his own words, and a memorial video about the father of his daughter Samal Berdybekovyna Sokpakbaeva were shown. Master's students of PMPE: Mukhanbetzhanova Zh., Mukhasheva A., Zaidagalieva N., Amantai F., Sydykova N., Mustafieva N., Aitkulova Z., Ikhsanova A. Excerpts from the book "Journey to Childhood" are recited by monologues and give listeners a special feeling. The audience analyzed the works of B. Sokpakbaev, the father of Kazakh children's literature, and shared their impressions and thoughts.

   At the end of the evening, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Inkar Otebayovna said, "It is true that B. Sokpakbaev, a classic of Kazakh children's literature, who left behind an indelible legacy, will continue his spiritual life without writing about his teaching. Therefore, there is no doubt that the number of people searching for and reading his works will increase in the coming days. I invite all of you to read a lot of fiction, our spiritual food," he concluded. The evening has come to an end.