news - Факультет
The theory and methodology of teaching physical education
Educational programs on the pedagogy of preschool and primary education
The theory and methodology of teaching physical education
Educational programs on the pedagogy of preschool and primary education
Educational programs on the pedagogy of preschool and primary education
Educational programs on the pedagogy of preschool and primary education
The theory and methodology of teaching physical education
Educational programs on the pedagogy of preschool and primary education
The theory and methodology of teaching physical education
- 81st scientific-practical conference dedicated to «125th anniversary of Kanysh Satbaev»
- Удачи спортсменам!
- "Дене шынықтыру және спорт" мамандығының 2 курс студенттер арасында Шаңғы жарысы өтті
- Настольный теннис
- A meeting has been organized
- Carrying out career guidance work
- ҚР ҰКП “Атамекен” рейтингі бойынша В004 Алғашқы әскери дайындық пәні мұғалімін даярлау білім бағдарламасы 1-орынды иеленді