A round table was organized for the 220th anniversary of M. Utemisov

 On November 30, 2023, a round table dedicated to the 220th anniversary of M. Utemisov was organized in the PiP-31-1, SP-31-1 educational program "Pedagogy and Psychology". The purpose of the curatorial hour is to systematize the knowledge of our students about the personality and work of Makhambetty batyr, who bears the name of our university; to foster purposefulness, an active life position on the example of the poet's life.

During the curatorial hour, interactive, developmental, problem-based methods were used. Information about M. Utemisova was presented in stages, after which their Discussion and reflection were held. Students read fervent poems by Makhambet, answered questions about the life and work of M. Utemisov.

The 3rd year students took part in the curatorial hour with great interest. According to the results of the class hour, it was found that all students know M.'s personality and creativity well. Utemisova. Students openly expressed their opinions, listened to the words of other students and asked their questions. All students actively participated in the tasks and discussed them collectively.

We believe that during the event, an analysis and generalization was carried out through understanding the basic facts of the poet's biography, his work; creating the necessary conditions for successful interaction in the audience; fostering patriotic feelings, contributed to the development of interest in the personality of the poet, the culture of the Kazakh people.

Organizer: senior lecturer of the DOE in pedagogy and psychology Ismagulova Zhanar Sansyzbaevna