The workshop within the framework of the Roadmap was organized on February 1 for students of the Pedagogical Faculty of the M. Utemisov ZKU. The event on the theme "Modern lesson as the basis of effective and high-quality education" was attended by 4th year students of the educational program "Pedagogy and Psychology", undergoing pedagogical practice, curator of the group teacher, master Zhenisova A. S., head of the practice senior lecturer Ismagulova Zh. S.
The seminar was supervised by trainers of the Department of Pedagogical and Subject Methods of the Ural branch of the National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" Ryshanym Kuanaeva, Rauan Muldagalieva, Bagdagul Gabbasova, Dinara Zhumagalieva, Sasim Ebitova, Menzhan Myrzabulatov. The seminar was organized by the "swing" method. At the event, organized to assist in the organization and planning of the educational process during school practice, recommendations were given on the following topics: "SMART goals and stages of lesson planning in academic subjects", "modern lessons, active methods and techniques", "differentiation of learning, relevance and opportunities", "features of criteria assessment, feedback".
Students got acquainted with the development of a short-term lesson plan, active methods, assessment and differentiation methods.
We hope that before the professional pedagogical practice, the event under the guidance of "Orlik" coaches will provide great support to students in successfully completing pedagogical practice.