On February 15, 2022, a pedagogical council was held in kindergarten No. 18 "Baldyrgan" on the topic "Development of creative and cognitive abilities of children with the help of innovative technologies." Purpose: to determine the use of innovative technologies by the teaching staff. At the meeting, our teachers, teachers and educators shared their creative reports on innovative technologies and non-traditional methods.
One of the features is that student interns Kulzhanova Karina and Ranida Kuanshalieva, 4th year students of the specialty "Preschool education" of the West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov participated in the pedagogical council.
Students doing practice in the "Romashka" group share their experience with educators Svetlana Petrovna, Yulia Viktorovna. Obviously, our teachers are qualified and educated and can teach students how to communicate with children, be creative and use different methods in terms of teaching and learning. The graduates of the university were given a.