On October 15, at the initiative of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Pedagogical Faculty, another online hour of honesty on the topic "AR-namysty balagan Rukhty batyr Bauyrzhan"was held in the ZKU named after M. Utemisov. The hour of honesty was attended by the teaching staff, students and special guests of the West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov. The main goal of the organization of the "hour of honesty" is a call to build a selfless reasonable society, where honest work and spiritual human qualities are valued through instilling values in young people. This year marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of the legendary commander, winner of many awards, writer and Hero of the Soviet Union Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. The legacy of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is filled with courage and discipline, patriotism, and the way of life is built on the principles of honor, justice and humanity. During the event, Director of the Institute "Rukhani Zhangyru", Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kydyrshaev Abat Satybayevich and teacher of the Department of Economics and Management, member of the anti-corruption agency Chudrova Venera Utegenovna spoke, who noted courage and heroism, dedication, loyalty to the Motherland. Then, with the support of the Ministry of Information and Public Development, a video was presented on the agency's YouTube channel.
At the end of the event, one of the young people, a 4th-year student of the specialty "Philology: Kazakh language" Kuanyshbaevich Daulet dedicated his poem "Batyr Baba Bauyrzhan".
Thus, the hour of honesty ended, after which the participants exchanged views and thanked the organizers.
Shugyla ENEP,
2nd year students