Ашық дәріс сабағы өткізілді

The training " Бір уйдің баласындай..."

Naryn Son

«Сазды әлем»

"Cinema is a mirror of life"

«Шебер» атты қолөнер сайысы өтті

The next fair was organized by a group of volunteers Akniet

Literary evening "Mukagali- poetry of alyba"

The Health Festival

"Time management. Time management. Setting goals"

Ski competition

The volunteer group “Akniet"

Meeting with employers on the topic "Formation of professional competencies of future specialists"

Improving financial literacy

"The achievements I have achieved for university students with special educational needs"

Educational evening "Mother of Kazakh art"

“Forms of work with children suffering from autism syndrome in general education”

Address: Office 104, Dostyk Ave. 137, Uralsk, St. Student 4, 7th building

Phone: 8 (7112) 50-32-54

E-mail: info@wksu.kz

Адрес: Западно-Казахстанcкая область, город Уральск, ул.Студенческая  4, корпус №7, кабинет №401

Телефон: 8 (7112) 50-32-54

Электронная почта:  zapkazu@wku.edu.kz