On April 10, 2024, an event dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Kanysh Satpayev “Kanysh Satpayev - the first Kazakh scientist and academician” was held in auditorium 505 of building 7. Pupils of grades 10-11 of KSU Secondary School No. 7 were invited to this event. The students attended an educational event, they were given a tour of the university, familiarized with the EP “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”, “Preschool education and upbringing”. The students really enjoyed it and noted that they learned a lot of new and interesting things. The organizers of this event were teachers of the educational program “Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary Education” Abugalieva G.S., Bayukanskaya S.F., Fedorchenko L.A., Panishcheva O.A.