Seitenova Salima Saginovna

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Hasanova Inkar Utebayevna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Kazetova Aliya Khamidullievna

Candidate of pedagogical sciences

Academic degree: Candidate of pedagogical sciences

General experience: 31

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Khabieva Dina Garifоllievna

Head of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, Senior Lecturer, Master

General teaching experience: 20 years

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Musagalieva Gulnur Baktygalievna

senior lecturer, master

 E-mail: gulnur.musagaliyeva@bk.

General experience: 23

Bayukanskaya Svetlana Feliksovna

Education and academic degree, title: Senior lecturer, Master

Teaching experience: 22 years.

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Eskakova Fariza Erbolatovna

Lecturer, Master

Teaching experience: 11 years

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Mukanova Aigul Dauletkalievna


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Teaching experience: 13 years.

Tlepbergenova Gaukhar Elemesovna

Master, Lecturer

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General experience: 11 years

Fedorchenko Larisa Alexandrovna


senior lecturer, master

Erniyazova Saltanat Nauryzbaevna

senior lecturer, master

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Teaching experience: 21 years.

Madenova Lazzat Mutigollievna

Academic degree: Master of pedagogy and psychology

General experience: 20

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Abugalieva Gulshat Serzhanovna


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, Master

Maksotova Tolkyn Tlekkabylovna

master degree

General experience: 11

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Esenova Sveta Nurgalikyzy

Lecturer, master

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Teaching experience: 17 year.

Address: Office 104, Dostyk Ave. 137, Uralsk, St. Student 4, 7th building

Phone: 8 (7112) 50-32-54


Адрес: Западно-Казахстанcкая область, город Уральск, ул.Студенческая  4, корпус №7, кабинет №401

Телефон: 8 (7112) 50-32-54

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