Ph.D., associate Professor
Nurgaliev Kenes Aitzhanovich – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor, member of ISKAR, work experience – 49 years of educational (educational, educational, organizational and methodological) and scientific work.
Born in Uralsk, West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 1968, after graduating with a silver medal from secondary school No. 6 named after A.S.Makarenko in Uralsk, K.A. Nurgaliev entered the 1st year of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Uralsk State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S.Pushkin (nowadays Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University), from which he graduated with honors in the specialty "English language" and, having received the qualification of "English teacher", since September 1972, he began his career as an English teacher in secondary school No. 2 in Uralsk.
After serving in the ranks of the Soviet Army since February 1973, he continued his career as Head of the methodological office of the Uralsk Regional Institute for Teacher Improvement.
In 1974, in connection with the transfer to the Department of Pedagogy & Psychology of the Uralsk State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S.Pushkin, he was sent as a trainee researcher in psychology to the Department of Psychology of the Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute named after Abai (nowadays Alma-Ata National Pedagogical University named after Abai)..
In 1975, he entered full-time targeted postgraduate study in the specialty "psychology" at the Department of Psychology of KazPI named after Abai (now ANPU named after Abai).
After graduating from full–time targeted postgraduate studies in 1978, he was sent to the Ural State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S.Pushkin, where he continued his career as a senior lecturer - associate professor - head of the Department of Pedagogics &Psychology and currently associate professor in psychology.
In 1984, he presented and successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences at the Academic Council for the Defense of Doctoral Dissertations at the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences. psychol.sciences, specialty – 19.00.01 (general psychology). The topic of the dissertation is "Ethno-psychological features of solving problem situations".
By the decision of the USSR State Committee for Public Education on November 29, 1991, he was awarded the title of associate professor in psychology (certificate of associate professor of DC No. 044960)
In 1990-1991, he passed through a competition and was sent by the USSR State Committee for Public Education for an internship within the framework of the Interstate Program for the Exchange of Specialists to Beijing Pedagogical University, Faculty of Psychology, Beijing, China.
He took an active part in the works of the V-th (Moscow, 1977) VI-th (Moscow, 1983), VII-th (Moscow, 1989) All-Union Congresses of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR and numerous international, republican and regional symposia and conferences.
Research interests: ethno-linguistic psychology, psychology of creative thinking, personality psychology, management psychology, practical psychology.
He has published more than 37 printed publications in Russian, Kazakh and English languages, 26 master's theses in psychology have been prepared and defended under his leadership.