1.Higher education: M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University, educational psychologist.2013-2017
2.Master's degree: M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University, Master of Pedagogical Sciences. 2017-2019
2019-2020 M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University, lecturer.
2020-2021 M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University, Head of the department "Theory and Methodology of teaching Physical Education", lecturer.
From 2021 to the present, he has been a teacher of the OP "Pedagogy and Psychology", M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University.
Scientific works
- Okushylardy otanshyldykka tarbieleudin pedagogikalyk negizderi//Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference "the image of modern youth: prospects and innovative approaches" within the framework of the concept "Rukhani zhangyru": - Uralsk: RBO WKSU named after M. Utemisov. 2018. - pp. 19-21. (In the author's unity with G. Bakhtiyarova, G. S. Mukhieva).
- Studentterdin koptildi tobynda ulttyk sana-sezimdi kalyptastru// Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference "Kazhym Zhumaliev and actual problems of modern literary science": Uralsk: RBO WKSU named after M. Utemisov. 2018. - pp. 135-141.
- Humanization as a phenomenon of modernization of higher education// "Actual problems of development of the education system of Kazakhstan in the conditions of transformation of the spiritual life of modern society". - Repub. gil.- experience. conf. mat. - Uralsk: RBO WKSU named after M. Utemisov, 2019. (Zhidkova Yu. M., Kazetova A. H. in the author's unity).
- Pedagogical conditions for the formation of national consciousness among students// "Actual problems of the development of science and education "materials of the international scientific and practical online conference"Ualiev readings-2020": Ust – Kamenogorsk: Publishing house"Berel" named after S. Amanzholov, 2020. - 1209 p. (In the author's unity with G. S. Mukhieva).
- Pedagogikalyk sheberlik. Educational and methodical manual. Publishing Center of the M. Utemisov ZKU, 2020. -108 p. (In the author's unity with N.E.Mukanova).
- Bolashak pedagogtardyn kundylyk bagdaryn kalyptastyrudyn kagidalary men mazmuny// Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Traditions and innovations in Science and Education: history, current state, prospects" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University: Uralsk. 2022
7. Patriotism and global competence. Educational and methodical manual. Publishing Center of the M. Utemisov Moscow State University, 2023. -108 p. (In the author's unity with N.E.Mukanova, S. B. Kalakhanova).
Professional development
1. "Smart bilim beru: adistemeler men technologiyalar resources", 23-5.12.2020, 72 hours
2. Certificate of advanced training in the additional professional program "Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education, sports training and adaptive physical culture", 72 hours, 5-16.10.2020
3. Certificate of advanced training in the course "Psychotechnics of psychological counseling and psychotherapy", 40 hours, 02/21/2020
4. Certificate of advanced training on the topic "Management in education", 72 hours, 05.02.2021
5. Certificate of completion Intensive English Language Course, Intermediate (B1) Level, 18.01.2021.
6. Certificate of completion of the training "Inclusive education and social inclusion", 72 hours, 2021.
7. Certificate of advanced training on the topic "Professional acmeology", 72 hours, 2021
8. Certificate of advanced training on the topic "Practical psychology; Pedagogy; Social Psychology", 80 hours, 13-25.06.2023.
9. Certificate of professional development within the framework of the project Strengthening the potential of teacher education KZEMP/QCBS-03, coordinated by Hame University of Applied Sciences, Finland, 72 hours, 31.012023
10. The certificate confirms the completion of a training seminar on the topic "Prospects for the development and integration of psychological services." 30.05.2023.
11. Certificate of advanced training "Applied Pedagogy and Psychology", 72 hours, 2023
Fundamentals of special pedagogy and psychology, practical psychology, experimental psychology, differential psychology, deviantology, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, acmeology.