6N0103 "pedagogy and psychology", teacher-psychologist;
Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
Teaching experience since 2004; Senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
Professional development
"Methodology and technology of distance learning", 72 hours, M.Utemisov ZKU, 2021
"Smart education: a resource of methods and technologies" in the direction of "subject technologies" dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov:"Social psychology and developmental psychology" 72 hours, 2022;
"Pedagogy of Higher education", 72 hours, M.Utemisov ZKU, 2022
"History of psychology; Social pedagogy; theory of technology of modern education", 80 hours, Abai KazNPU, 2022
"Applied Pedagogy and Psychology", 72 hours, M. Utemisov ZKU, 2023.
VIII International Summer School "Modern Russian Science and Culture", Orenburg, 2023.
Scientific works
Textbooks and teaching aids:
* Pedagogalyk panderdi okytu adistemesi (textbook). Uralsk. 2008. (co-authored by S.M.Mukhanbetzhanova and Sh.T.Mukhanbetova).;
* Innovative technologies of okytudyn. (educational and methodical manual) M.Utemisov A. N. BKMU BAK zhane BO, 2012 158str.
* Bastauysh synyp okushlaryn okytu Oyyn elemerin koldanudyn zholdary. (educational and methodical manual), 2018. (co-authored with S.S.Esmagulova) 104 pages.
* "Fundamentals of career guidance"(educational and methodical manual), 2023.
Scientific publications:
- Kosymsha bilim beru zhuyesindegi psychologalyk zdorovak masleli M.Utemisov A. N. BIMU Khabarshysy, Oral K., 2018, No. 4. pp. 215-225.
- Features of the work of a psychologist with children at risk in the preschool period materials of the international scientific and practical conference "network identity of a person in the ecosystem of digital education: new challenges". Elista, 2022. pp. 195-201.
- Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Bilim Zhane Gylym berudegi dasturler men innovations: history, kazirgi zhagdai, prospects " kasibiivpaldastyҡ teachers kasibi damudyn momkindig retinde. Oral, 2022. Pp 115-119.
Methods of teaching pedagogy, History of Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy, Social psychology, theory and technology of education.