Teacher, master
General experience: 7 years
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Date of birth: 10/12/1992
Nationality: Kazakh
Education and academic degree:
2010-2014 West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov, specialty pedagogy and psychology (bachelor);
2014-2016 West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov, specialty Psychology. (Master's degree). Master's Degree in Social Sciences.
Scientific works
- Zhumabaeva A.A. “On the formation of professional significant qualities in students of pedagogical specialties” International scientific and practical conference “National educational system in conditions of global competition: problems, priorities, development prospects” Uralsk October 30-31, 2014 44 pages;
- No. 6 International Symposium “To the religious identity of the student youth” Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe: Achievements and Perspectives. 6th International symposium 15th January 2015 Austria, Vienna (co-authored with scientific supervisor Sarsenbaeva B.I.);
- Sarsenbaeva B.I., Zhumabaeva A.A. “On the problem of professional deformation in psychology” Republican scientific and practical conference “Makhambet oculars - 7”. Volume 1 Uralsk, November 23, 2015;
- Sarsenbaeva B.I., Zhumabaeva A.A. “Features of the formation of a teacher’s personality” International scientific and practical conference “Pedagogy and psychology in the context of modern research into problems of personality development.” Makhachkala, October 25, 2015 104 pages;
- Abdiraimova E.K., Zhumabaeva A.A. “Mental states of future teachers experienced in the process of educational activities” Bulletin No. 3 of ENU named after. L.N. Gumilyov, May 2016.
- Zhumabaeva A.A., Baygalieva Zh.G., Gaipnazarova B.Zh. “Study of the relationship between typical mental states of students and professionally important qualities of a teacher” Bulletin of WKSU magazine No. 4 2018.
- Sarsenbaeva B.I., Zhumabaeva A.A., Batyrgalieva S.M. Development of creative abilities of preschool children based on the synthesis of arts. // Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the founding of the art and graphic faculty “Artistic creativity: synthesis of theory, practice methods.” Uralsk-2018.
- Sarsenbaeva B.I., Zhumabaeva A.A., Batyrgalieva S.M. The origins of design in preschool childhood. // Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the founding of the art and graphic faculty “Artistic creativity: synthesis of theory, practice methods.” Uralsk-2018
9. Abdiraimova E.K., Zhumabaeva A.A. “Family is the source of the most secret values.” // Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference “The modern appearance of youth in the light of the concept of “Rukhani Zhangyru”: prospects and innovative approaches.” April 27, 2018 Uralsk
Professional development
2018-2019 completed the training program for the course “Methodology and technology of distance learning” at the center for advanced training of WKSU named after M. Utemisov. In the amount of 72 hours.
2019 Took part in the regional training seminar “Theory and Technology of Inclusive Education at University” for 12 hours.
2019 She completed advanced training at the international scientific and practical seminar “Current problems of educational inclusion and socio-psychological integration of persons with disabilities” at the center for advanced training of WKSU named after M. Utemisov. In the amount of 36 hours.
2020 Listened to lectures from the “Linguarnr” center of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Certificate “Smart bilim take: adistemeler men technologylar resources” for 72 hours.
2020 completed the training program for the course “Methodology and technology of distance learning” at the center for advanced training of WKSU named after. M. Utemisov. In the amount of 72 hours.
In 2020, I completed the online course “Models of Inclusive Education in Foreign Countries.” In the amount of 72 hours.
2022 took part in the international scientific and practical conference “Russia-USSR-RF in the conditions of reforms and revolution”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the USSR.
2023 She took part in the psychological training of A. Kudiyarova on the topic “Dau-damaidy baskar - densaulykty zhaksartu.” Psychoanalytic Association of Almaty
2023 Took part in a methodological seminar on the topic “Ways of adaptation of children with mental retardation to school”