Report on career guidance work of the EP “Pedagogy and Psychology” for the 1st half of the 2023-24 academic year

For the first half of the 2023-2024 academic year, the EP “Pedagogy and Psychology” carried out its main activities according to the plan and schedule for the implementation of career guidance work in schools in the city and region of the West Kazakhstan region.

During the summer work of the state admissions committee, videos were distributed in order to attract applicants for the OP “Psychology” and “Pedagogy and Psychology”:




 On December 8, 2023, the Faculty of Education held an Open Day for applicants to schools in the city of Uralsk. Applicants were informed about the latest innovations of the university and learned about the conditions for admission in 2024. During the event, students and teachers gave applicants a tour of the innovative classrooms of the Pedagogy and Psychology EP. Students and teachers also showed the most effective methods of work, interesting technologies and exercises, and presented incentive materials for the programs.  


The work of the responsible career guidance specialist of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology” is carried out on the basis of the annual plan for the 2023-2024 academic year and was built in accordance with the following goals and objectives:

Assist the administration and teaching staff of the school in creating psychological conditions for the personal development of all participants in the educational process.

Assist in students’ acquisition of psychological knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to achieve success in life and in obtaining a profession.


Conducting psychological and pedagogical support for students’ adaptation to new social conditions;

Identification of compliance of individual characteristics of a child’s development with age standards

Formation of general readiness for self-determination.

To solve professional problems and achieve the main goals of psychological activity, work was carried out in the main areas:



Educational and methodological direction in accordance with the long-term work plan.

In accordance with the career guidance plan, the main areas of activity in the second half of the 2023-2024 academic year are the following:

 It is planned to hold debates in schools for applicants on the topic “Psychologist: the most important areas of professional activity, personal qualities”, the main goal of which is to inform students about professions, ways to obtain them, employment opportunities, promote professions in demand in the labor market and improve the prestige of the university educational program in the eyes of future applicants, promoting their intellectual development, as well as involvement in the public life of the university before admission.

Organization of thematic exhibitions “The World of Professions”, “Who Should Be”, “Where to Study”, “Today’s Graduate”, etc. on the basis of school libraries. Presentation “Teacher-psychologist”, “Social teacher and teaching assistant”, “Psychologist”.

 Organization of general in-school parent meetings and meetings with career guidance specialists: a lecture for parents on the topic “The role of the family in the correct professional self-determination of children” as part of a class parent meeting.

 It is planned to conduct a training seminar on the course “Psychological Diagnostics” once a month with the issuance of certificates for school graduates.

Ensuring increased attention of potential foreign applicants to our university, promotion of the university in the global information space, and through the efforts of students represented on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, etc.) Analyzing all the work carried out over the past period, we can say that all activities were carried out in accordance with the long-term work plan and in all areas. The work carried out allowed us to identify our own professional capabilities, as well as determine the main ways for the implementation of our own activities and professional growth in the future.