

The final report  on the pedagogical practice of students of the educational institution "Pedagogy and Psychology" for the 2022-2023 academic year

     In the 2022-2023 academic year, educational and pedagogical practice was organized for students of 2-4 courses of OP 6B01101 "Pedagogy and Psychology" and OP 6B01801 - "Social pedagogy and self-knowledge" in the OP "Pedagogy and Psychology". Instructional conferences were held before each practice in order to familiarize with the goals, objectives and program of the practice, and after its completion, final conferences were organized.

The internship program for OP 6B01101 "Pedagogy and Psychology" was compiled in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education dated July 20, 2022 No. 2 "On approval of State mandatory standards of higher and postgraduate education", and on the basis of the Rules of organization and conduct of professional practice of the ZKU named after. Utemisov and the rules for determining organizations as a base of practice, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2022 No. 28916 and approved by Protocol No. 1 dated August 27, 2022.

Pedagogical practice is an integral part of the educational process. Its purpose is to form the professional readiness of students to work in the pedagogical field, to master the types of professional activities at the level corresponding to the qualification "Specialist". Pedagogical practice is the main component of the personal and professional development of a specialist with his activities on integration, professional self-determination, and personality formation. It involves the formation of professionally significant qualities necessary for an educational program: consolidation, deepening and expansion of theoretical knowledge acquired by future teachers-psychologists and social educators during theoretical training; familiarity with the scientific foundations of the organization of professional pedagogical activity, the formation of ideas about the holistic pedagogical process, its subjects; familiarity with the specifics of the work of a teacher-psychologist and social teacher at school; knowledge of types and methods, methods and organization of work planning; mastering various types of professional activity in solving pedagogical tasks, etc.

Professional practice creates conditions for the introduction of ideas of humanization, democratization and integration of education, ensuring personal, active creativity, professional competence of the future teacher in the pedagogical process of an educational institution. The practice is aimed at the formation of professional skills and abilities of a future teacher, allowing to implement an integral pedagogical process by the competence method, self-knowledge, mastering the methodology of teaching pedagogy and psychology, the development of a creative, research method of pedagogical activity focused on the formation of personal and professional qualities of a teacher.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, according to the OP "Pedagogy and Psychology", a memo organized educational and pedagogical practice for students of 2-4 courses:

- 2nd year – in the period from 08.05.23 to 13.05.23 (2nd year students of the educational program 6B01101 "Pedagogy and Psychology" of the PiP-21 (k/o), Pip-22 (r/o) groups and 2nd year students of the OP 6B01801 "Social Pedagogy" of the Sps-21 (k/o), Sps-21-1 (r/o);

- 3rd year – in the period from 03.10.22 to 10.12.22 - continuous pedagogical practice in schools; from 03.04.22 to 06.05.23 - pedagogical practice for 3rd year students of OP 6B01101 "Pedagogy and Psychology" (groups PiP - 31, PiP-32), OP 6B01101 "Social pedagogy and self-knowledge" (groups Sps-31, Sps-31-1);

- 4th year – in the period from 01/23/2012 to 05/06/2013, students of the PiP-41, PiP-43 (k/o), PiP-42 (r/o) groups in the specialty 6B01101 "Pedagogy and Psychology" and 4th year students of the Sps-41 (k/o) group passed pedagogical practice in schools, Sps-42 (r/o)

specialty 6B01801 - "Social pedagogy and self-knowledge";

In the period from 03/13/2023 to 05/13/2023, 2nd year students (2 years) of the specialty 6B01101 – "Pedagogy and Psychology" of the PiP-22 group (2) and 2nd year students (2 years) of the specialty 6B01801 – "Social Pedagogy and self-knowledge" of the SPS-23 group (2) were sent to complete pedagogical practice.

From 01/23/2012 to 05/06/2013, students of the specialty 6B01101 – "Pedagogy and Psychology" 3rd year (3 years) PiP-31(3) and 6b01801 – "Social Pedagogy and self-knowledge" 3rd year (3 years) SPS-31(3) were sent to complete pedagogical practice.

The basis for the organization of the practice was the humanitarian College, the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Uralsk, the regional special boarding school for children with visual impairments, the regional boarding school complex for children with hearing and speech impairments, the Secondary school №4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, 22, 27, 30, 33, 41, 42, 45, 47, 50.

Throughout the practice, the teaching staff provided methodological assistance and advice to students.

Teachers of the OP "Pedagogy and Psychology" E.K. Abdiraimova, J.S. Ismagulova, S.B. Kalakhanova, N.E.Mukanova, A. J. Kenzhegalieva, Y. M. Zhidkova, A. S. Balakhmet, B. N. Tulegenova worked with students as methodologists.

During the seminar, students got acquainted with the work of a teacher-psychologist, a social pedagogue and a class teacher, and also took part in assisting in conducting class hours, conducting a psychological study of a group of students. All students completed tasks in accordance with the goals and objectives of the practice, carried out pedagogical and psychological diagnostic and socio-pedagogical work. At the end of the teaching practice, the individual work plans of the students were fully implemented.

Positive feedback and characteristics about the students were received from the practice base. As a result of the practice, the students received good grades. All students passed the reporting documentation in full and were evaluated by the methodologists.

Suggestions and conclusions:

- expanding the practice base;

  - the goals and objectives of the practice have been implemented, students have demonstrated in practice the theoretical knowledge gained during the educational process at the university.


                Head of the practice:  Ismagulova J.S.