Final report on the professional pedagogical practice of 4th year students of the educational program 6B01301 «Pedagogy and methods of primary education»
4th year students of the educational program «Pedagogy and methods of primary education» (Pimno - 41, Pimno -45, Pimno-u/33) in the period from 12/02/2024 to 25/05/2024 passed professional pedagogical practice in schools No. 10, №43, №40, №45, №30, №20, №33, №22, №2 and pre-graduate practice in the period from 06/05/2024 to 25/05/2024, G.E. Tlepbergenova was approved as the methodologist of the groups.
During the conference, students were introduced to the goals and objectives of the practice, the content of the activity, the documents submitted at the end of the practice, and the requirements for them.
Purpose: to form students' pedagogical skills and competencies in terms of improving knowledge, skills, and skills acquired in the previous year, and determining readiness for independent professional and pedagogical activity, updating the educational program in academic disciplines and introducing a system of criteria assessment.
The final conference was held, the students' reflective report was reviewed in the form of slides, and their work was evaluated by the methodologist and the commission. The students made brief presentations on the advantages and difficulties of organizing active learning, on the results of using differentiated tasks in accordance with the individual needs of the student, on the results of establishing a dialogue and posing effective questions during classes, on the steps taken for effective formative assessment, on further development directions.
As for the students' report, they noted that during the practice, with the help of school teachers and methodologists, they successfully coped with all the required work, learned a lot of new things and achieved high results. The lessons used effective methods and techniques necessary for critical thinking, conducting research, experimentation, using ICT, working individually, in groups, in pairs, using and effectively implementing functional literacy, creativity, and creating a harmoniously favorable educational environment for the student's personality.
Together with the teachers, they prepared assignments for summative assessment in primary school subjects, studied the path of admission to an online school in an online classroom, conducted SORES and tests and set points, took part in the process of analyzing the results.
They took part in parent-teacher conferences and noted their active participation in intra-school events. In the elementary grades, students received good impressions and achieved good results in organizing educational hours and educational activities.
At the final conference organized by the practice, the students took full part, opinions were expressed and their work was evaluated. The fact that the students completed the internship at a high level is evidenced by the data of the students of the group, written by the school principal, classroom teachers, and collected practice documents. Some schools have given our students letters of thanks for completing the internship at a very high level. The students' practice documents were checked and graded.